Where is my invoice? How can I update my billing details?

We currently accept payments either via credit card or PayPal. Both are handled by Paddle or FastSpring, our payments processors.

Whether you paid via PayPal or credit card, your invoice should be generated automatically in the next 24h. Just log in to your ShortPixel account and from the menu on the left, click "Billing", and then download the invoice you would like to edit.

Paddle and FastSpring will also send you a confirmation email after the payment. In that same email, there is a link to your invoice form where you can edit your billing details. This edition process is different for each payment processor.


Latest invoice

If you need to edit the invoice details of your latest invoice, please contact us.

Future invoices

If you want to edit the invoice details for your future invoices excluding the latest one, follow these instructions

  1. Open the email you received from FastSpring for the latest invoice and click on Manage Your Orders.

  2. FastSpring will ask you to enter the email used to pay so they can send you a login link.

  3. Open the new email you get:

  4. On the new window that opens, click on Account Details and Payment Methods and edit your information.

If you lost the confirmation email and therefore don't have the link to view your invoice, you can get it from your FastSpring account (your email is the same one used on payment): https://shortpixelco.onfastspring.com/account


Open the email you got after the purchase and simply click on View Receipt. There you will be able to edit the invoice details.

If you lost the confirmation email and therefore don't have the link to view your invoice, please contact us and we will send you the link.

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